No, it’s not changing, so if you’re already a VIP member, you can take a deep breath and enjoy our thanks for supporting the channel!
So, you may have seen some posts about our VIP Club, and you might have even seen names in the credits of our videos. Those are VIP Club members. While many of you know and some might suspect, we do make a living from City Steading full time now. With that comes a bit of promotion since this is our business. So bear with me as I talk a little bit about our VIP Club and try to show you what you can expect if you were to join.
First, it’s a social club. Meaning it’s not just you hanging out with us. That would get pretty boring really. I can talk all day, but after a while you will be bored by that. Instead, it’s a group on Facebook (due to many factors) and we’ve recently started using Discord, where all the VIP club members get to meet each other, share ideas, ask questions, and we all learn from each other. As of this writing, there’s a little over two hundred members and it’s growing all the time.
Within this group there is myself, Derica, Paul, Stacey and Adam as your admin and moderator team. We’re all available for questions within the group and if there are personal concerns, you can contact me directly. Due to Adam and Paul being in the UK, and Stacey keeping weird hours, we have more or less 24/7 coverage of the group, should someone need help. Aside from the fact our team is made up of people hand picked for the job with years of brewing/cooking/gardening experience, there is the members themselves. Some are longtime members with tons of experience who love to help, while others are there to learn. It takes a village.
I’m aware Facebook and Facebook Groups are notorious for trolls, mean comments, attacks on people, etc. I’d like to point out that this group is run by Derica and Myself and we don’t allow BS like that. It’s a very, very friendly and easy to join group of people all there for similar things. They want to learn and connect with others of a similar mind. Honestly, I’ve been in and out of dozens if not hundreds of groups and this is by far the best one. I’m a bit biased, but, truthfully, the people are wonderful.
So what can you expect as a member of this VIP CLUB?
- There is the aforementioned group social hangout and learning
- We can occasionally run special discounts for members, whether it’s on our Merch, or some other product we can share with the members.
- Easier access to Brian and Derica. While we try to address each comment on our channel, we’re only human. In the group, you have priority and will get an answer much more quickly and possibly more in depth. Over time, you’re not just a username, you’re someone we know, and remember, so we can help you that much more. And… you have Paul, Stacey and Adam sharing their knowledge too!
- More content. Whether it’s a quick video of us on set, or some silly sandwich I’m making, or an article I wrote…. there’s content shared with the VIP’s that isn’t shown anywhere else.
- You get to have a voice in where City Steading is headed. Derica and I are constantly trying to improve the experience for everyone on City Steading, and all our channels and social platforms. Sometimes we need some help and advice. So… we turn to our VIP’s and ask for input, ideas sometimes, and we even run polls to see what videos we might make. VIP’s get a chance to have their ideas made into videos, or at least help suggest what content is shown.
- For higher tier members, there is another benefit that is just a cut above. We are currently doing ZOOM meetings with our higher level VIP members monthly. Grab a mug of homebrew, and hang out with us for a couple hours…. or… like October’s meeting… 5 HOURS! We don’t necessarily have a topic, but questions are welcome and the discussions can be really entertaining and informative. It’s that interaction that we love and it really does give a sense of community and dare I say… family… to our VIP Club. At this time, when in person social interaction is less than safe, our VIP Club makes a huge difference. Many of our members are people I would consider friends, even though we’ve yet to meet in person.
So, to get in on the action in our VIP Club, the cost is just $5 a month. If you want to be in on the ZOOM meetings, it’s $10, and to get your name in lights, $25 and $50 depending on how big you want those lights to be. YouTube videos are a free service and not going away. We don’t do the membership from YouTube because we wanted to create a community, separate from YouTube where folks can meet, talk about things that interest them, and truly explore the hobby of their choice.
To Join, click VIP CLUB in the menu or use this link: https://www.city-steading.com/vip-club
If you really enjoy our content and our videos and want to take it up a notch, I urge you to become a City Steading VIP Club Member today. We totally understand if it’s just not something you can do, and we look forward to seeing you in the comments section of any of our videos.
As always, thank you for reading, we appreciate your support and have a great day.